About Us
West Essex Graphics (WEG) is an innovative pre-press graphic solutions provider dedicated to serving customers throughout the entire packaging process.
We are WEG
- Since 1949, WEG has been a leading provider of pre-press graphic solutions that enhance the manufacturing and printing of consumer product packaging. Our team becomes a trusted partner working to protect your brand, elevate your packaging, simplify your workflow, and strengthen your supply chain.
- With locations on the East Coast and Midwest, we are ideally positioned to support our expanding global customer base and our growing suite of service offerings.
We are a Partner
- It’s our goal to help brand owners move seamlessly and efficiently from concept to shelf, providing the ultimate customer experience by working closely with you every step of the way to simplify pre-press processes while producing the best end results for your packaging.
- As our partner, you will be assigned a dedicated account management team that ensures a smooth transition from concept to print, and weare willing to provide on-site support as needed.
- Everything we do is driven by our desire to improve the visual impact, efficiency, and accuracy of our clients packaging. Our success is defined by enhanced sales and improved marketing consistency for our clients. Projects are completed on time and on budget.

We are a Full Solution
- For the past 70 years, WEG has offered an extensive array of prepress services, including design concepts, production artwork, 3D rendering, photography, color management, electronic imaging, image carriers and seamless sleeves.
- For any brand owner, WEG can serve as a turnkey concept-to-print and packaging provider. Additionally, we can also work collaboratively with clients or third party printers and converters in order to ensure color consistency, brand discipline, and shelf impact.
- We place a strong emphasis on interaction and innovation, using a bottom-up approach that guarantees creativity and quality assurance throughout the entire process.
We are Focused
- Our reputation for versatility, precision and expedient turn-around times is unsurpassed. We are always keeping up with the latest technology and looking beyond the obvious, for ways to improve the end result – the perfectly produced package.
- We pride ourselves on our ability to seamlessly integrate our range of pre-press services in order to effectively enhance your workflows through accountability, asset control, budget management, and client communication.
- At WEG, we are relentlessly focused on our clients’ success and helping them reach new levels in sales and improve brand consistency.
- Image Carriers:
Using our innovative HD Plating and Sleeve Technology, you can expect superior color and print results for your packaging.

Integrated Workflows
We understand that clients today require support that enables them to work faster and smarter. WEG delivers pre-press graphic solutions to keep the package design and printing process moving forward on time and on budget.
- One file for every printer, (with color adjusted to compensate for press conditions) makes it easier to archive or manage in the event of change.
- A Central Color Library to deliver digital standards for all equity colors.
- Establish brand identity and manage continuity across printing processes, geographic regions, and packaging structures / substrates.
- Master images, brand logos and graphics elements are created once and stored in libraries for reuse – eliminating the use of obsolete art.
- Easy automation leading to enhanced accuracy, increased efficiency and significant cost savings.
- Independent workflows and adaptable files enable you to easily change suppliers while maintaining consistency and control throughout the package printing process.
- Eliminate the need for you to micro-manage project details, reducing your workload.
- Cloud-based graphics approval system (available globally, 24/7) to help standardize processes, eliminate handoffs and reduce cycle time by reflecting all comments in real time.
- Consistent proofing to minimize rework and ensure brand consistency.
- Print Quality Management Systems gather and report on print activity to ensure that quality standards are achieved and maintained.
- Data collection & ongoing reporting of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) provide actionable business metrics necessary to continue improving your packaging workflows.